Chris Baecker for San Antonio City Council

Freedom without Permission.


In a public sector run by too few with experience in the private sector, Chris Baecker hopes to bring a different perspective.

While an accountant by day, mostly in the Texas oil & gas industry, he teaches college economics by night. He’s been extending these efforts in the classroom to the op-ed pages of the San Antonio Express-News, Real Clear Markets, the Foundation for Economic Education, etc.

Last year he helped launch InfuseSA. It’s a non-partisan organization seeking to advance freedom for Bexar County citizens. He is their editor and policy director.

Along the way he’s heard the concerns of the unsung heroes of society: small businesses and entrepreneurs. Too often these creators of societal wealth are slighted with burdensome, counterproductive ordinances. Their bank accounts are also taken for granted at tax time.

This combination of experience in business, the classroom, and community service is what Chris hopes to bring to City Hall.