Today, along with my Infuse SA group, I was proud to support the Bluebonnet Carriage CompanyHRH/Yellow Rose Carriage, et al at a press conference at City Hall. We were protesting the City of San Antonio City Council’s flippant and misguided drive to shut them down.

For me, this is a simple matter of organizations succeeding at pleasing their customers, FOR GENERATIONS!  That’s what matters most.

As Infuse has documented, these horses are well cared for.  Any allegations to the contrary are bogus. When you factor in how much culpability council has for the excessive construction downtown, causing congestion on the streets is not a legit excuse for this heavy handedness, either.  

For a council whose general philosophical bent means they are likely comfortable deferring to ‘experts’, such as equine veterinarian Dr. Benjamin Espy, the action they’re poised to take Thursday is hypocritical.

It was just a year and a half ago that council egregiously invoked eminent domain on one business, so that another one could make sufficient revenue to stay afloat. Factor that in with what’s going on to these companies, is it any wonder more people don’t take the dive to start their own business?

Amongst the chitchat today was mention of the survey the city conducted to take the city’s pulse on the issue.  Imagine government authoritarians put YOUR livelihood up for a popular vote.  This is called mob rule, it’s arrogant, and an abdication of leadership, and it’s no way to help a community to prosper.

Remember this in the spring when candidates for council purport to be for small business.